7:00 AM

We're looking for a few good men & women

 Did a vampire kill your brother? A mother? Another
loved one? Are you filled with unquenchable rage and
sadness?  There's a way you can heal and help your
community at the same time!

Follow the information on
the attached PSA posters and
join your local Vampire Force!

For more information, pick up Patricia Lynne's
vampire story,
Being Human

The illustrious author has this to add:
In Being Human, vampires are not a myth, they are a reality to humanity - a scary one. In order to combat vampires, a special branch of police force was created: Vampire Forces. But they don't use stakes or garlic to combat vampires; that ended up being a disaster with a lot of deaths. VF is very much like a normal branch, guns are issued, tasers and batons. As such, they will seek out people to join in a very normal way.  Thanks MaryBeth for creating these Public Service Announcement Posters. And thanks to the people who provided the images. Remember VF needs you to shine a light in the darkness!

/photo credit goes to the following people. Thank you!

Image: Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: phanlop88 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image: Pixomar / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Patricia JL said...

Those posters are so fun. Exactly, what I imagined would be hanging on school walls or on bulletin boards in Tommy's world. Now if I could only find someone willing to do a video PSA. lol
Thanks MB!

MBee said...

Oooh to make one would be so much fun! Maybe you can wrangle some people up closer to Halloween time! :D